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Personal (perzine)

Unfiltered experiences! Explore perzines - personal zines sharing raw stories & intimate perspectives. Discover unique voices at Spiral House Shop!

Origin: Eternia Press
Rock 'n' Roll Astrology and Rituals is guide to celebrating rock 'n' roll and all the planets (and dwarf planets) in our solar system...
Shotgun Seamstress No. 8 Shotgun Seamstress No. 8
Out Of Stock
Origin: Mend My Dress
Shotgun Seamstress is a zine by, for, and about black punks, queers, feminists, outsider artists, and muscians.This issue of Shotgun Seamstress ..
Origin: Alex Wrekk
Shouting at Seagulls is an imaginative zine project by Jonas and Alex Wrekk that tells parts of a story through postcard correspondence between two ch..
As low as $1.50
Origin: Adam Gnade
From Punch Drunk PressA continuation of the work started with his Do-It-Yourself Guide to Fighting the Big Motherfuckin' Sad, Adam Gnade's..
Origin: Jonas
A lovely comp zine asking a new round of folks "What gets you out of bed in the morning?"Writing  by: Joshua James Amberson, Alice ..
Origin: Antiquated Future ISBN: 9781960200006
n this captivating collection of essays, Staring Contest, author Joshua James Amberson offers a unique perspective on the human experience through the..
Tarot Zine - Death Tarot Zine - Death
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Is it a perzine? Is it a Tarot zine? It's both! Wesley explores the Death card through personal understanding in a friendly and enlightening way. ..
Is it a perzine? Is it a Tarot zine? It's both! Wesley explores the Knight of Cups card through personal understanding in a friendly and enlighten..
From Julia EffShe's the grace of this world, she's too pure For the likes of this world This world is a whore.Tear the pet..
Kelli has a zine zine! That's always a fun time. I enjoy Kelli's voice and an so happy that this long running perzine still exists. It's l..
Unprecedented (a Collection of 14 "quaranzines" zines) Unprecedented (a Collection of 14 "quaranzines" zines)
Out Of Stock
I thought I was on a secret mailing list for these lovely slice of life zines by Jenna, but it turns out she is also sharing them with whoever would l..
Vinyl Dyke #1
-25 % -25 % Out Of Stock
We don't carry a lot of music zines, but I love this! It's like a music perzine from the excellent Evelyn in Germany. I'll write a longer ..
$3.00 $4.00
Vinyl Dyke #2
-25 % -25 % Out Of Stock
Issue 2!We don't carry a lot of music zines, but I love this! It's like a music perzine from the excellent Evelyn in Germany. I'll wri..
$3.00 $4.00
Origin: Jonas
More lovely snapshots with words transported from the brain of Jonas with thoughtful vivid characters. Plus the question of regret posed to Cindy Crab..
Showing 76 to 90 of 100 (7 Pages)