Break Spells, Hexes, Curses, and Any Harmful Magick Thrown at You
Even if you're the most mild-mannered practitioner who sticks to personal development magick, you can still end up getting energetically attacked. Hex Twisting is the key to countering any curse or hex cast your way. Providing a variety of techniques to defend yourself, this indispensable guide helps you drive hurtful magick out of your home, trap malevolent spirits, and more.
Diana Rajchel has spent years handling psychic attacks, ancestral injuries, and work-for-hire hauntings. She carefully studied how each one worked, and now she passes that knowledge to you through this book's powerful collection of exercises, tips, and tools. Discover how to diagnose, recover from, and prevent jinxes, hexes, crosses, and curses. Explore countermeasure recipes, reversal spells, and cleansing rituals. Whatever is after you, this book can help you stop it.
Table of Contents:
Acknowledgments xiii
ONE 1: What Is Countermagick and Why Is It Necessary?
TWO 9: Am I Cursed? Methods of Curse Diagnostics
THREE 35: Your Magickal Body, Yourself: Cleansing, Clearing, and Spotting Influence
FOUR 63: Ah! Get It Out of Here! Driving Negative Magick Out of the Home
FIVE 83: Chase Off the Small Stuff: Daily Maintenance for Evil Eye, Gossip, and Other Annoyances
SIX 121: You Did What Now? Bindings, Freezing, and Reversals for Crossed Boundaries
SEVEN 157: Health Protection: Spells to Ward and Preserve the (Energetic) Bodies
EIGHT 167: Spells for Taking It to the Mattresses: Finding Out Who Did What and What to Do about Them If They Went Too Far
NINE 185: Hi, Here's Your Butt Back: Hex Twisting of So-Called Irreversible Spells
TEN 197: When Spirits Are Jerks: Handling Haunting, Harassment, and Hired-on Spirits
ELEVEN 227: That Was Terrible, Let's Not Do That Again: Recovery and Prevention after Spiritual Trauma
TWELVE 245: Final Notes for the Potentially Traumatized
Recommended Reading 251
Bibliography 253
Index 257