Illustrations and Photographs . . . xv
Foreword by Anaar Niino . . . xxi
Introduction............................................................................................................. 1
Our Journey Ahead 3
The Modern Tradition of Witchcraft 4
What Is a Sigil? 6
What Is Sigil Magick? 6
Chapter 1: A History of Mark Making......................................................................... 9
Eye--Brain--Hand--Art 9
Signs, Symbols, and Societies 17
Simple Yet Sophisticated, Sacred, and Secular 18
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words ... or at Least One 22
Embodying Symbols 27
Gateway of the Divine 31
The Timelessness of Tagging 34
Symbol Genesis 36
Chapter 2: The Meaning of the Mark........................................................................ 37
The Symbolism That Lives in Lines 38
Basic Shapes and Signs 39
Elements 75
Directions 76
Numbers 77
Zodiac and Astrological Signs 79
Letters 81
Colors 82
Other Symbol Systems 83
Finding Symbolism in Words: Building a Symbol Library 84
Chapter 3: Making Magick........................................................................................ 91
Understanding Magick and Spellcraft 91
How Does Drawing Sigils Work? 93
Uses for Sigil Witchery 95
Step by Step: How to Plan and Create Your Sigil 96
Applying Sigils, or Put a Sigil on It! 102
The Ritual Arts, or I Got That Witch a Ritual, Witches Love Ritual 103
The Vanishing Sigil 109
Sigils on Skin 118
Acknowledging Your Sigil 122
Devotional Sigils 123
Devotional Design Ritual 124
Sigils in Motion 125
Be Present in Your Body Exercise 127
Comparing Sigil Methods 129
Left Brain versus Right Brain? 131
Chapter 4: Design Guidance....................................................................................135
Setting Up for Sigil Witchery 135
An Instant Sacred Sphere 136
Getting Over Getting It Wrong 137
Simple versus Complex 138
Avoid Pictures and Pantomime 138
Why Draw Your Own Sigil? 139
Drawing Tech 140
About Tracing 141
Drawing Instructional 141
OMG Art Supplies! 148
Chapter 5: Practice Exercises...................................................................................157
Scenarios 157
Solutions 162
Chapter 6: Gallery...................................................................................................179
The Power Sigil 179
Festival Sigils 183
The Artist's Sketchbook 187
Mago Djinn Sigil 190
Custom Sigils 191
The Mother Matrix 199
Other Artwork 202
Conclusion . . . 207
Resources . . . 209
Bibliography and Suggestions for Further Research . . . 211
Index of Symbols . . . 217